Monday, January 5, 2015

Pinot Grigio Can Be Good For You. Hooray!

Over the past years, one of the more cheering health messages is: 'Drinking wine in moderation can be good for your health'.

Researches have found that wine can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, prevent pancreatic cancer, etc., and even promote weight loss. However many (mistakenly) tend to associate all the wine's benefits to the red ones.

The main difference between white and red wine is how the skin of the grape is used. While with red, the skins are crushed with the pulp, with white the skins are separated out. However white grapes present other types of poly-phenols which are also known to promote health benefits.

Recently, Italian studies found that Pinot Grigio as well Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc are effective anti-bacterial agents. This mean that they can not only protect against but also destroy bacteria.